About Us


PARAM – based in the Greater Philadelphia Area, Pennsylvania, USA.

PARAM’s mission is:

  • To provide a forum for interaction among people of Rajasthan Origin (a state located in the northern part of India).
  • To promote better communication and cooperation among the people of Rajasthan.
  • To organize programs for the promotion and propagation of the cultural and literary heritage of Rajasthan.
  • To support educational and socio-economic development of the needy, and support charitable causes.
  • To organize activities for the promotion of the social welfare of people from Rajasthan, India.


We Help Nonprofits Become More Effective


Our mission is to ensure no great cause goes unfunded.
We are enormously proud to have helped people in


We believe it’s not just what you do but how you do it.
Our users trust us because we do not share their

PARAM Aims To:

  • Build network of community members of Rajasthani origin in the Greater Philadelphia Area to create magnificent cultural experience locally.
  • Execute cultural and social programs like Gangaur, Teej, Holi and Diwali festivals.
  • Unify businesses, groups and individuals to organize and implement charitable programs and philanthropic initiatives that have direct impact in local communities.